PEA (Pulseless Electrical Activity) 일 때 반드시 생각해봐야 할 가역적 원인들 (6H, 6T)

PEA (Pulseless Electrical Activity) 일 때 반드시 생각해봐야 할 가역적 원인들 (6H, 6T)


Reference : Oommen 2013, 419; American heart association 2015, 25

6H’s cause PEA

(1) Hypovolemia

  • Clue : Carotid weak or disappear
  • Management : Volume infusion with a 250ml fluid bolus

(2) Hypoxia

  • Clue : Cyanosis, blood gases, airway obstruction
  • Management : Mechanical ventilation, capnography monitoring.

(3) Hydrogen ion (acidosis)

  • Clue : Renal failure
  • Management : Sodium bicarbonate, hyperventilation.

(4) Hyperkalaemia

  • Clue : History of renal failure, diabetes, recent dialysis, medication, ECG.
  • Management : Calcium chloride; combination of insulin, glucose, sodium bicarbonate.

(5) Hypothermia

  • Clue : History of exposure to cold, central body temperature, ECG.
  • Management : Gradual warming with fluids and warming blanket.

(6) Hypoglycemia

6T’s cause PEA

(1) Tension pneumothorax

  • Clue : Tracheal deviation, no pulse with CPR, history of asthma, ventilator, COPD.
  • Management : Chest tube insertion or needle decompression.

(2) Tamponade cardiac

  • Clue : Vein distension, no pulse with CPR, impending tamponade- tachycardia, hypotension, low pulse pressure.
  • Management : Pericardiocentesis guided by echocardiography.

(3) Toxins

  • Clue : Bradycardia, history of ingestion, empty bottles at the scene, pupils, neurologic examination.
  • Management : Drug screens, intubation, lavage, activated charcoal, lactulose, antidotes.

(4) Thrombosis, pulmonary

  • Clue : History and no pulse felt with CPR
  • Management : A pulmonary arteriogram, surgical embolectomy, fibrinolytic.

(5) Thrombosis, coronary

  • Clue : History, ECG, enzymes
  • Management : Fibrinolytic, percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)

(6) Trauma

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